holiday season is almost here
Hey, everybody! It's hot in Prague and what else is there to do in this heat than write a second blog post? 😊 A lot has happened since the first blog post and I am proud of our staff and partners, we have done a great job. Let's take a look back at what we've accomplished since the end of February. Our lecturer Elena Jesíčková completed a great tour of offline training in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in two months. She went to 13 cities and over 1000 people attended the events! This week she is flying to Bulgaria and Macedonia , where the big TianDe business conference will take place on 24 and 25 June. So we wish her a safe flight and may the event be a success. In March, the company's partners visited the Kingdom of Thailand as part of the TianDe Team Travel promotion: here's a link to the must-see photos. 46 people from TianDe flew across half the world to see the amazing wonders of Asia, and what's even better, 27 of them went on this vacati...